
10 分鐘內搞定早餐!送給自己和家人一份溫暖又簡單的司康三明治。

Butter-手工甜點鹹派 韭菜炒蛋烤番茄司康三明治  chive srambled eggs roasted tomato scone sandwich  


很多朋友都在上班路上買些早餐吃,便利商店、早餐店都可以。媽媽為了小朋友早上要吃什麼也很煩惱。像我有個朋友, 他幾乎每天都是在7-11買茶葉蛋當早餐,我現在想想,他真的很喜歡吃茶葉蛋耶。還有些朋友, 就是咖啡一杯,一直撐到中午。這些應該都不陌生吧。


大家來試試這道司康三明治 - 韭菜炒蛋慢烤番茄司康三明治。(沒有烤很久啦, 10 分鐘搞定)

Lots of people really just don't have the time to make breakfast at home. We rush out of the door in the morning, grabbing something from convenient stores or neighborhood breakfast joints on the way to work.  Moms scratch thier heads trying to come up with nutricious but easy breakfast for the kids everyday.  Good breakfast seems to be a luxery that we can only enjoy on the weekends ( that is if we even get up in the morning).

I love breakfast but like everyone else, I don't like to spend too much time cooking in the morning, especially on cold winter day.  So I guess a fast easy and delicious breakfast is always something I am looking for. 

Here goes, try my chive scrambled egg roasted tomato scone sandwich, breakfast served in 10 minutes.  Let me know if you enjoy them too. 


Butter-手工甜點鹹派 韭菜炒蛋烤番茄司康三明治  chive srambled eggs roasted tomato scone sandwich  


材料 -

蛋  2 顆

韭菜  少許

鹽 適量

黑胡椒 適量

奶油 一小塊

橄欖油 少許

番茄 1 顆

原味或起司司康  2個  (找司康看這裡


What you will need:

2 eggs

1 small bunch of chives 

salt and pepper

one small chuck of butter

1-2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 large tomato

2 Scones  ( to Order Butter Homemade Scones, Click here)

Butter-手工甜點鹹派 韭菜炒蛋烤番茄司康三明治  chive srambled eggs roasted tomato scone sandwich  


1.烤箱預熱 華氏400度(攝氏200度)


3.番茄切薄片,鋪在烘培紙上,滴上橄欖油, 撒上鹽和黑胡椒, 放進烤箱約10 分鐘,拿出烤箱備用。司康也可以一起跟番茄進烤箱,約3-4分鐘就可以先拿出。


1.Preheat oven at 400℉ (200°C)

2.Prepare baking sheet and place a sheet of baking paper on top

3.Thinly slice the tomato and place the tomato slices on the baking paper, drizzle with olive oil, sprink salt and pepper on top.  Bake for about 10 min.  You can also put the scones in to heat them up so that they are light and fluffy, for about 3-4 min.  Once done, take out of the oven, set aside.


Butter-手工甜點鹹派 韭菜炒蛋烤番茄司康三明治  chive srambled eggs roasted tomato scone sandwich  



4.韭菜洗乾淨,瀝乾, 切細切, 備用。

5.用個碗或小鍋,打蛋,將韭菜,鹽,黑胡椒加入蛋液中,打勻。平底鍋加些奶油和少許橄欖油,用中小火加熱。將蛋液倒入平底鍋,並持續輕輕攪拌, 約3分鐘,(不要煎的像蛋餅,要保持濕潤度) ,倒出備用。



4. Clean and prepare the chives.

5. Whisk the eggs, chives, salt and pepper well in a bowl.  Use a non-stick pan, add butter and some olive oil, on mediem-low heat, pour the egg mixture into the pan.  Stir continuously and slow for about 3 minutes until eggs are softly scrambled.

6. Cut the scone in half and top with the roasted tomato slices and scrambled eggs.  Viola!  It's done!


Butter-手工甜點鹹派 韭菜炒蛋烤番茄司康三明治  chive srambled eggs roasted tomato scone sandwich  








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